Monday, November 9, 2009

The oversimplification that wishes to sell

You just need to visit the blogosphere on any given day to find oversimplified "reviews" about Windows security in general, not just in Windows 7, on which fanatics of other operating systems base their prejudices against Microsoft ... usually born from having used Windows 98 and, maybe, maximum XP and nothing else. The latest one, proclaiming that Windows 7 [is] vulnerable to 8 out of 10 viruses, which also got an echo in the usual ZDNet blog (see post below) by the same security merchants, er, "evangelists", concludes that "you still need to run anti-virus on Windows 7" (duh!). It is more than just running an antivirus program and following the prompts of the User Access Control (UAC) mechanisms: you need to "make sure you're taking advantage of all the ways that Windows can help keep your computer as secure and safe as possible" following the security checklist for Windows 7, as suggested by Microsoft. There is nothing wrong with selling antivirus software, except when it is offered under the guise of a study or a test.

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