Sunday, August 28, 2011

Robocopy: A practical way to backup your files on the go

One really great tool in Windows 7 (also available for Windows Vista) is the robocopy command, which is the "robust file copy for windows" that allows you to copy an entire folder, and subfolders, from one destination into another, in a much better fashion than using xcopy. It's perfect for quick backups into flash memory drives, hopefully encrypted with Bitlocker to Go, first, though not necessary. The syntax, in a DOS or a PowerShell console is
robocopy [source] [destination] /MIR 
the latter, an option switch which stands for "MIRror a directory tree." In other words, you get an exact copy on the destination drive, adding or deleting folders and files, accordingly, with a complete summary at the end of the operation. Let me give you an example with a complete batch file I programmed. It will ask you first for the drive letter of the destination directory. Why this? Sometimes the drive letters of removable drives may change when other devices are added or removed. In addition, should the destination folder not exist, robocopy will create it.  Here's the batch file, in which you only have to modify the fourth line accordingly. For example's sake, your source folder is D:\CollegePapers and the destination folder is in drive M. Once you run this batch file, you should type the corresponding drive letter, here M, and then press Enter. Sorry, there's no error trapping included. Very useful and practical. Please, give it a try. REMINDER: if you delete directories and/or files in your source and then run this batch file, those same directories and/or files will be deleted in the destination drive. Remember: the /MIR switch is used to create a mirror, identical, copy. Use with caution!
@echo off
set /P drLetter=Please enter drive letter: 
set "thisDrive=%drLetter%:"
robocopy D:\CollegePapers %thisDrive%\CollegePapers /MIR

Friday, August 26, 2011

More wonderful Windows 7 themes

It's a very nice surprise to find more and more Windows 7 themes in the Microsoft website. The last time I visited for this purpose, to be honest, it was a few months ago. But now, lo and behold! a great assortment of subjects is right there ready to download. No need to install, just "Open" and voilĂ ! Change the mood of your computer and perhaps yours too. All sorts of animals, art, automobiles, games, holidays, seasons, movies, landscapes and places are waiting for you. Wishing you a great weekend, with of without hurricane Irene...

Monday, August 8, 2011

Who is actually using Windows 7?

Other than millions of non-commercial consumers who is actually using Windows 7, enterprise-wise? I have a few examples, noting that the companies mentioned, use a mix of operating systems and not one exclusively.  Pixomondo, an international visual effect company with 10 worldwide studios, runs Thinkbox's Deadline software in Windows 7. Boeing, one of the world's leaders in aerospace technology, deployed Windows 7 Enterprise to its entire work force. BMW, an early adopter of this OS and my distant favorite automobile brand after Audi, is implementing a full deployment for a better remote management and a more productive mobile workforce. Maybe they have a nice job for me...